Saturday, April 7, 2007

THE MATTRIX (Pronounced Matrix)

So the "Gig Tuna" came to help today. Matt Cherry rolled his Canadian hind parts out of bed after only three or four short hours of sleep to come help on the Irwin Farm (home building project)
Most of the day Matthew didn't do much other than play with the camera (in actuallity he hung most of the doors in our house). Throughout the day we hung doors and set underlayment in our kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room and entry way (anywhere we are putting vinyl flooring).

Will and Matt put everything in place (actually pretending to work)

Krystal and Will cutting underlayment for the kitchen

(krystal was very emotional about the process)

Krystal did the nailing!

Finished product

1 comment:

Mr. Cherry said...

Whoot! It's me!!!! Nice underlay! Will? Why is there a huge gap between the kitchen and the dining room? ha ha ha ha ha!