Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Was reading a blog I follow today and got a big ouch as I was reading the most recent post on "Smother Love"...
Haven't had to deal with any major letting-go's yet, but have already wondered about a few of them, how I'll ever deal when I get there. Interesting time, as this gave me much to chew on about it all.
Any thoughts?!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Half a Year Old!

Thanks to her daddy love, here's Anna's first debut performance...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Daily Joys...

What we've been up to lately...forget the daily grind,

we've been experiencing some serious daily joy!!

Did we all think this day would come? mmm maybe.

But nevertheless here we sit, right in the middle of it...

Organizing socks. (a girl after her mama's heart)
Bathing the beauty with our fave-o-rite toys, can you tell which one it is?!
Smiling for miles. Many many smiles big and small, wide and tall.
Snuggling & traveling with mama.
Munching everything in sight. Or teething on everything in sight is more like it.
Attempting to sit up on her own. A little side push-up we like to call it. We're not quite there yet, but ALLLmost!
Making crazy screeches, hollers and pterodactyl noises.
Sitting up big and strong.
Eating lots and practically jumping out of the high chair when it doesn't enter the mouth quite fast enough.
Watching Horton and snuggling with Grammy.
Studying the Bible with mama (or Bible study interrupting is how it really goes).
Losing all the dark luscious curls, down to the baby mini mullet nubs.
Reading the Bible (or eating it mostly).
Playing with daddy, her favorite playmate. He gets lots of big belly laughs, especially when eating her feet.

Discovering our toes, hers and ours.
Turning half-a-year old! We had half-a-party!
Loving our moments.
Enduring affection, ha!
Being a family.
Feeding ourselves.
Drinking formula in a big girl cup (or measuring cup, ha!)
Obsessing about tags. We need NO other toys in life, just tags.
Pretending to be a bunny.
Enjoying rice treats.
More where those came from soon...