I have a dear dear friend of whom has allowed me to walk very closely with her lately through some very dark valleys and very high mountaintop spots. I have been deeply honored to be so near to her through it all. I had a write-because-I-must moment the other night after I had been to visit her to run some errands and allow her some respite time for sleep. As I left that day, and was realizing some things about how she was handling it all, in the grip of God's grace, I wanted to honor her in it. Give tribute to the way she is offering up her all, her little and her much to Him, to work in and through her to bring Him glory. It's working. He's been glorified in my eyes through her and it's been quite the sight to behold. She is a true picture to me of the treasure we hold in earthen vessels, being cracked pots so His bright light can boldly shine through. Here's a little glimpse into what I have been seeing with my own two eyes...
I see HIM in you...I know you say you're worn to the bone,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE "never faints nor grows weary".
I know you say you have no words,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE said "I will be with your
mouth and teach you what you shall say".
I know you say that your light is almost burned out,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the "Light of the world" and a "smoldering wick, He will not snuff out".
I know you say you have no fight left in you to handle one more attack,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Victor over all battles.
I know you say your knees are weak and you can't even lift up your arms,
but I see HIM in you...
anad HE "strengthens the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees".
I know you say there are moments you are scared beyond sanity,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the God of all reason and peace and a sound mind.
I know you say your heart is cracked in half and broken by the pain,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is whole and complete.
I know you say your tank is completely empty and dry,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Living Water that fills you right up.
I know you say that you are so very very weak,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is oh so very perfectly Strong.
I know you say you can't brave one more storm,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Calmer and Authority over all the wind and waves.
I know you say you wish you had multiple clones of yourself to take care of it all,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is more than enough to cover it all.
I know you say you can't even seem to form your prayers,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Great Interceder on your behalf.
I know you say you don't think you could even cry any more tears,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Bottler and Storer of all you have shed.
I know you say you've never been so tired in your life,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE never slumbers nor sleeps, so you can find rest in Him.
I know you say you feel completely overwhelmed,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Great Overcomer of all overwhelming things.
I know you say you can't go on,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE will be the Finisher of the good work He began.
I know you say you are so deeply sad,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Joy Maker and Laughter Giver.
I know you say it seems like the grief couldn't get any deeper,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the great Comforter.
I know you say it seems you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Resurrector and Life Giver of all.
I know you say you feel completely helpless,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the great "Helper".
I know you say the hurts ache too much,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the Distributor of the healing balm of life.
I know you say you don't know or understand the reasons why,
but I see HIM in you...
and HE is the God who knows all.
HE is all of this and more in you
and I see HIM, the Great I AM,
shining bright and true.
2 Corinthians 4:7-12...
But we have this treasure in jars of clay,
to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.
We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not driven to despair;
persecuted, but not forsaken;
struck down, but not destroyed;
always carrying in the body the death of Jesus,
so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.
For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake,
so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.
So death is at work in us, but life in you.