Monday, January 2, 2012

holding HIS words dear...

Luke 2:19, 51
...Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself.
...His mother held these things dearly, deep within herself.

Even her, the chosen mother, the mama who carried Him within, till the fullness of His birth time, the one who wiped up skinned knees, and cupped handfuls of little boy tears knew the importance of treasuring her Son's, her God's, every word deep within her being, to roll around over and over, and allow them to tenderly penetrate and thus change her life forever.
Shouldn't we have meditative Mary hearts, all the more?

      (image credit:

1 comment:

The Boggs Family said...

For sure... :) (and I love that part of Scripture~ thinking of Mary pondering those things in her heart~ every time I read the Christmas story)