Thursday, April 5, 2012

happy haole hula honey!

after 20 yrs of hula dancing on and off, through the years, starting at the ripe age of FIVE,
this mama decided that this little hula honey was gonna have it running through her veins too!
even deemed her with the middle name Malia because of mama's love for all things tropical!

SO, today!
was the big coming out day!
with 4 of her little keiki friends too!
what a blessed sight to see your mini-version dancing the same steps you danced,
while in her itty bitty shoes some 30-ish years ago!
here's a live version of the lil
hula honey (Anna is the 2nd keiki in the video)... this hula mama is just as pleased as punch right about now!

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree...
-Psalm 92:12

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring Break Spectacular!

while daddy went and played "Guillermo" in Mexico, loving all the little kids to Jesus...

mama and the lovebug went to stay with mimi and papa at their pad for 10 days.
the entertainment, helping hands, activities, and play were non-stop.
what are a mimi and papa good for you may ask?!
may i just enlighten you with a very small handful of "for goods"
that we are SO grateful for with our mimi & papa?!
and this is in only a very short 10 day staycation!
for these things and a million more, they have been deemed the:
in our book!!!

a few of the many many goods we experienced this past week in their presence:
reading books
easter egg dyeing & painting party
investing in a big girl bed
assembling said-bed
hanging canopies over said-bed
being our biggest cheerleaders
rainy day walks
organizing very messy big girl rooms
loading up going-home car,
LIFE is beautiful indeed...because you are in it.
papa and mimi, we could never have imagined (well maybe i could)
the deep love and grace and gifts and ways you would pour your lives out on our behalfs.
thank you for loving us so well.
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