Monday, September 18, 2006

Precious Prego Friend...

Just wanted to show off my special friend, who is going to be bearing Baby Boy Evans in just a few short weeks, October 10th is the date he's due. We can't wait to meet him and be adopted Auntie Krystal & Uncle Will! We threw a shower to rain down love and blessings for the fam on Saturday, it was a blast and this pic is in the cutest nursery ever that she created herself--filled with fish galore. Be praying for her strength and health in the last few weeks and through delivery. We love you Evans family!
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Learning more every day...

Here I am learning how to hang trim. I have to admit, it's the first day I have walked off the jobsite without crying over feeling totally incompetent and unfit for this job. I love trim work! For those of you that know my OCD, detail, perfectionistic personality--this stuff fits me to a tee! I look forward to more of these productive days. Another one of our trusty volunteers, Jacob Zink, working on our nextdoor neighbors top plates (pieces of wood that tie all the walls into each other on the top of each interior/exterior wall), this house is almost ready for trusses to come in this week. That means ours is next!
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On the job injuries...

I have officially braved the world of the Nail Gun!! I'm still a little hesitant around it. But I figured the day to start using it should definitely be the day we were putting the floorboards onto our own house. I don't know what it was--something just came over me and I picked it up and decided, Yes, I'm going to start using this gun now, and nothing can stop me now. I am woman, hear me roar, or watch me shoot.
Here's my Will, checking out the 3 foot backyard behind our house. It's going to be a tight squeeze back there, as we also have a slider door and deck that will be coming off of that back left corner. Doesn't mean we're not grateful though, just going to have to get creative back there. This was actually just a few moments before I lost him down one of the holes between the floor joists. Good thing there's insulation in there for a little bit of padding.
The moment before, the leg was sliced. And yes, he did have to go get a tetanus shot and his arm hurt for days, but he's protected now for future issues. At least from the infections that come from saws and nails, not the removal of parts because of these power tools. Can you tell it was a long and dangerous day. My man is sure tough though. Wouldn't even let me clean his saw gash up until the work was done! We finished the floor boards this day and we are now working on the layout for the walls on our house now. Woohoo!  Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 11, 2006

Yes we do work together, sometimes...

Check it out, I think it's our first photo opp together! I realized we hadn't shown any proof that we do show up and work together almost every day! And we even smile while doing it. And no, we've never used those hammers on each other.:)
We do ask for your prayers as working 15 hour days 6 days per week, a lot of that tough, wall-raising physical labor, is tending to wear on us. Homemade dinners and moments alone relaxing together are NOT on the agenda right now. We know this is where God has called us to work in His mighty strength right now but we also get weary too, as we're still starting this brand new marriage too. So, intercede on our behalf please, anytime God leads you to. We are much appreciative.
P.S. We're also much appreciate of our wonderful volunteers pictured above: Dad Kuitert, Jon Knudson, and not pictured above: Kia Gregory, Paul and Jan Glazner. We're so surrounded by awesome people.
P.P.S. The best gift of all today--dinner brought to us, barbeque and all, to eat in our new half-built garage, our first Irwin family meal at the new home, by the Glazners. We love you guys so.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Praising God for the foundation...

Ezra 3:11...They sang, praising and giving thanks to the LORD, saying, "For He is good, for His lovingkindness is upon Israel forever." And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. -Ezra 3:11
(Our dear friend Amy passed this verse along to us the other day, sharing what a blessing it is that our foundation has been laid now also.)

Our Personal Version (we made our little mark in the foundation above):
Will and Krystal sang, praising and giving thanks to the LORD, saying, "For He is good, for His lovingkindness is upon the Irwins forever." And Will and Krystal shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD because the foundation of the house that the LORD was building for them was laid.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

A Nail Box is Built...

Check out my dad and my newest invention. You'll never believe how innovative it is...a NAIL BOX to help clean up and organize our job shack. Can you believe that would be a project that I'd love to do?