Thursday, April 23, 2009

This week's doings...

Helped Audrey celebrate her 1st Birthday, especially enjoyed when she shared her tissue paper pile...BIG smiles with our big cheeks (and yes for those of you that have asked, Anna wants you to know her mama has already invested in her 1st cosmetic surgery, Cheek Implants!)...
Taken lots of sunshiney walks...

Played in a diaper box and scrunched up our faces like little bunnies lots...

Lots of baths and lots of splashes...

What face does the bunny make Anna...

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Mama Amy said...

She is sooooooooo pretty!!!!

Simone said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic on the walk, with the pink and red hat! Oh my goodness, she IS ADORABLE!!!!

Mama in Uganda said...

Stop this Krystal...she is so stinkin cute that I want to bring one home! Thanks for sharing.