Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Holy Landers!!

Check out our dear friends in the Holy Land, earlier this summer!! Can you believe it, check out the real live Dome of the Rock Mosque in the background?? Maybe someday we'll get there too! We're hoping we get to all go back together.
And guess what's even more exciting?? You can't see the belly in this pic or even yet, but my dear Amy, or Mae as I like to call her, that girl is pregnant! Yep, almost 11 months married and pregnant!! Yipee! God's weaving a little life in her. Can't wait to be Auntie Krystal. We love and are so excited for you guys! Congrats Knudsons! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Kia Gregory said...

YAY! Babies popping up and out.When are ya'll having one. J/K!