Finishing up the back fence and gate (major bonus…keeping the deer scat outta the lil Bug’s rompin’ grounds and keeping her safely fenced in too!)
He’s reassuring me that there won’t be such a LAAAARGE gap under the fence forever (my critical, I mean detail-oriented eye tends to always notice the gaps.) Just until he gets another plank up there to close it off and keep those varmints out.
Success with a CAPITAL “S”!!
And lots of this when Mr. Sunshine peeks out for even 5 minutes…
And the fruit of one hard-working, sowing man’s labor has been springing forth! Hope for the new season is in the air!
Prepping my soon to be raised fruits and veggies garden…
Cleaning out my soon-to-be-brewing water fountain on the back porch…
Creating places of R&R for us to draw together to sit long and talk much…
And I couldn’t resist shouting from the rooftops about one of the chores he has taken on around the house! And NO, he’s not for sale or even for rent!! And neither is his lil Bug helper. ;)
Just posting this, makes my heart more deeply grateful for all God’s given me in my man.
Here’s to a fresh new season blooming forth of us, my Ahuv.
Your Ahuva loves you much.
“My beloved spoke, and said to me: "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell. Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away!” –Song of Songs 2:10-13
P.S…Go boast about your men, ladies, it does wonders for a sense of contentment and gratitude when you forget and sit those on the shelf and choose complaining and grumbling instead!! And I’m pretty sure it does them a heap of good too! A wise friend o’ mine (thanks D.W.) spoke these words to my hearing heart this week and I decided to act on them.
Well, it looks like his thumbs are holding up :)
Man, it's reading posts like this that make me miss Oregon and my wonderful friends there! The backyard is looking wonderful! And green! And Springy! Good work, Will on the fence! You've turned into a handy man!
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